2023年1月15日 星期日








位置: 脊椎底部/土元素/紅色/土星
對應的神經系統: 尾骨的神經叢
對應的內分泌系統: 生殖腺
對應於身體的器官: 腳掌、腿、骨頭、會陰、大腸colon、直腸、腎上腺、尾底骨、排泄器官
對應的性格: 執著

負面的情緒: 執著、怨恨、沒有安全感、恐懼、貪婪、害怕改變、求存
沒有穩定的經濟狀態、在家中人際關係受壓和領域被侵犯、喜歡收集和囤積 (原因可能: 來自父母的求存意識、被侵犯性侵或家暴、在家中地位薄弱)將會重複上演在生活中的其他領域,和他人之間的界線、經濟不穩定、儲藏累積、沒有紀律的生活、害怕改變

正面的情緒: 存在的權力、信任、穩定、平靜、耐心、感受到自己是被支持的和有能力去支持別人、自我價值感
生理方面的疾病: 直腸癌、便秘

【昆達里尼瑜伽】是一種非常古老,自我覺察的瑜伽。Yogi Bhajan博士在西元1969年將昆達里尼瑜伽帶到美國,開始公開的教授昆達里尼瑜伽,讓更多的人受惠。昆達里尼瑜伽被認為是瑜珈的二十二種學派中最強而有力的一種,它豐富多樣的融合古老瑜伽的各種元素,它結合聲波震動的梵咒唱誦、呼吸技巧、瑜伽體位淨化法、手印、眼神專注點與靜心冥想等,為我們的身心靈帶來整體性的平衡。





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2019年7月11日 星期四

Yogi Bhajan說冷:女人~女人~你該洗冷水浴,你的乳房需要,你的寶寶也需要!


以下轉載自Yogi Bhajan Library July 18, 1988

翻譯 Sukh Atma Kaur 轉載請連結出處

YB: Yeah, first, second, third and fourth, period. From backside. There are two situations as a female if they go wrong with you, everything will go wrong. One is if the first vertebra, which we call is the tailbone, it gets pressured, crooked the way you sit or accident, in case of a man if it happens things are not that bad but in your case they can... they can affect you mentally and otherwise to the point that you will be not in a position to be decisive or in your own control. That bad it can be. Number two, anytime you have a physical intercourse you have to stretch yourself to bring your balance in case you refuse to do it for one week you will be off balance. Automatically, you don't have to worry about it. Must understand difference between you and a male is that your pelvic bone has the capacity to open eighteen inches. Man doesn't have that.

And anything, any pressure or any activity in the lower area can stimulate enough situation to put a pressure on you and one of the pressure, which you all must suffer with if your uterus has a wind in it, extra wind. I am not saying the female uterus doesn't breathe, it does. But whenever there is a extra wind in it, it will create a pressure. You don't have a prostrate to control your urinary and your sexual system and minus that you have a situation where your pelvic bone can open up eighteen inches therefore basic capacity of your balance is how you walk. Walking for a female is a very and most important situation. Every woman who walks should understand that she should not put any weight on the heel. So you are supposed to walk on the paws.

Students: (-----)
YB: And when it was recognized that woman should walk on the paws, you know what we did? We made twelve inches heel. Instead of learning to walk on the... you know the Japanese women how they walk? Have you seen that? They walk with absolutely no weight on heel. Whenever you walk with a weight on the heel that day you will be beginning to end, "Stupid." There is no way out. Woman is not stupid because she is stupid, she is sixteen times more intelligent, more tolerant, more intuitive and more knows what to get. She is stupid when she puts weight on the heel. It's a counterbalance.

So you got to walk... what they call it? Catwalk! How to adjust? How you can adjust? First in the morning you must have cat stretch and balance yourself. When you will balance yourself in a cat stretch in the morning my dear female, you will just touch the ground, you touch the ground you will know you are out of balance. Either your Ida is active or your Pingala is active. Which way it is active get back to the bed again and stretch again. And you must also cross stretch, you know army cross stretch? You as a individual have absolutely no way to start a day without physical balance. Is that clear? Yes or no?

Students: Yes sir.
YB: Then why don't you do it? Don't lie to me now. How many of you don't do it? Raise your hand. I think everybody should. Come on, be a sport.
(Students laugh)
How many of you balance yourself in the morning as a woman? Come on. Jesus Christ!
Students: (-----)
YB: What kind of failure I am? You have no way. You have no right; you have absolutely no permission to start your day without balancing. Is that clear?

Students: Yes sir.
YB: Is that clear?
Students: Yes sir.
YB: When you are pregnant, when you are pregnant normally you do two things. Either you bend forward or you bend backward. It's a question what you are carrying. If you are carrying a male or you are carrying a female child that will decide. But basically each time you have to be consciously walking straight. All right as after hundred twenty days woman is not supposed to carry lot of weight and lot of stuff when she is pregnant. Exactly within hundred twenty days a woman must return to normal. Any delay, any?

Students: Delay.
YB: In day of pregnancy to hundred twentieth day will be a permanent irritative temperamental behavior of you for the next delivery. Are you with me?

Students: Yes sir.
YB: What wrong I have said? Do you understand English?
Students: Yes.
YB: No? All right, if you deliver a baby, yeah, it's okay? And within hundred twenty days you do not revert yourself to be a normal a woman whatever the defects you will have shall be permitted to be removed from your structured deficiency and mental irritation by the time you have a next baby and you have next hundred twenty days. Are you willing to take the risk? First of all you never knew about it, right? You were not. You thought just it's a egg, out. That's it, right? It doesn't work that way. Number two, in the morning, in the?
Students: (----)
YB: Morning you must for couple minutes do what is called mock time march. Making your hand to go parallel to the ground backward and forward. Like this, this should go all the way up and all the way up back, back and forward should be just parallel to the ground.
Can we remove this, somebody can demonstrate certain things today, which I want to tell you because you are sixteen times more intuitive therefore you don't have to become Yogi to do it but if you just start day right, day will work for you and I am trying to give you the explanation. Come! Give it to Bibiji who graduated you know... okay, just stand up and just give the balance of the hand. Watch her hands, all the way... back hand, no, no, it should be neither too up front nor too low back, balance it. No, no, raise it back forward, you understand, just little more. You see this? And one of the leg will come, this knee will come up to the maximum, maximum yeah and then balance. You see this balance? You see this balance?


Students: Yes sir.
YB: Do the other way. On one side you will be weaker on other side you will be stronger. But you have to be equally strong on both sides. Then you can walk or start your day.
Student: (----)
YB: No, this is your balance in the morning. After cat stretch, after balancing yourself, after stretching yourself, after coming to all right, you start your walk, you start walk like this, first you practice this walk in your own room. Do you understand what she is doing? How many of you do it? None! Have you ever seen a man getting pregnant or delivering a baby? Don't you realize you are different than them? You have different rules, different hygiene. Is that understood? The strength of a female and a male lies in the fourth vertebra, which regulates the Prana. Prana is regulated by the fourth vertebra, therefore everybody has to balance himself whether man or a woman, but woman is a must because of the pelvic conditions. Now stretch, no, no, get up first, up, up, stretch your legs wide, yeah touch that cross toes. Yeah, one and then two, you know where her nose goes? You see this? See this? That's a must in your case, now lie down on the bed, you are sleeping. Now she is sleeping, yeah, now she is going to get up, watch out. Yeah, yeah, stretch it all the way. That hand will come down, yeah. Stretch, stretch, yeah, now the other way. All right, then what is next?
:不,這是你早上的平衡。貓式伸展,平衡自己後,伸展自己,走好後,你開始散步,你開始這樣的步行,首先你在自己的房間裡練習這個步行。你明白她在做什麼嗎?你們有多少人這樣做?沒有!你有沒有見過一個男人懷孕或生孩子?難道你沒有意識到你與他們不同嗎?你有不同的規則,不同的衛生。那是明白的嗎?女性和男性的力量在於第四個椎骨,它調節了Prana Prana受第四椎骨的調節,因此無論男人還是女人,每個人都必須保持平衡,但由於骨盆狀況,女人是必須的。現在伸展,不,不,先站起來,向上,向上伸展,伸展雙腿,是的,觸摸那個十字腳趾。是的,一個然後兩個,你知道她的鼻子在哪裡?你看到了嗎?看到了嗎?在你的情況下,這是必須的,現在躺在床上,你正在睡覺。現在她正在睡覺,是的,現在她要站起來,小心。是的,是的,一直伸展它。那隻手會降下來,是的。伸展,伸展,是的,現在是另一種方式。好的,接下來是什麼?

Student: (----)
YB: Yep, balance, balance, balance, balance, what is next? Yeah. First, second, third, right? And then?
Students: (-----)
YB: Never open your eyes, straight, open your eyes in the?

Students: (-----)
YB: Hand! Take always a first left stretch, then take a right stretch, left, right, you will find and each time she balance it you will know whether you are balanced or not. Is that understood? Correct? And then if there is any extra wind let that go, so you have to put your knees tight with your chest and... chest or breast whatever you call it and let it go, right? Understood? After that you stand up, right, and do this. Correct, two, three, four, in case all this doesn't work, no, no, I am just telling you then stand in tree pose with a left foot on the right thigh, on that please down, then balance this way. In other words what I am saying in clear English is you cannot walk a day without first balancing yourself. It's called tune up. All right, we are very fortunate today in the planet that we have auto reverse tapes, right? Tape recorders, you must select a tape for the night to be heard by your subconscious. And when you get up in the morning it is better to get up with that affirmation. Got the idea? Now, do we understand our biological needs and how to walk as a woman?

Student: (----)
YB: It's called catwalk. It's called?
Students: Catwalk.
YB: These are the must for a woman and for her strength, you have certain faculties, if you do not use the first thing in the morning second thing will not come to you the whole day. Never try to become a man.
Now there is another problem. You have four to six days called period time. You understand? That's exactly a small period of delivery. In those days you are required not to carry any heavy weight. Under no circumstances you are allowed to put any weight by bending or lifting on the fourth vertebra. Because in those four days in those?

Students: Four days.
YB: Your pelvic area will naturally relax, the tendons of the muscle has the tendency to expand. Yeah.
Student: (----)
YB: In those days if you have to carry your children, you carry them on the back or in front. You don't carry on one side. Sorry mothers, you can't enjoy that facility in those days. That's why we have that kind of a thing; we can hang one child in front, one in back, right? And if you have four, then have one on the side too, balance yourself, that's okay.
(Students laugh)

And if it's a fifth then put it around the neck, you can take five children safely. So if you have to carry... but just understand you are a good woman and bad woman, that's not discussing. You are beautiful woman, ugly woman I am not discussing it. I am just discussing you; you shall have not a good day, the day you start without a balance. Is that clear? What are the signs you are out of balance? Write it down. You will be hardly tolerant, tolerant. You will itch to fight, not that you want to fight. You will itch to fight. You may end up with lot of headaches during the day and those headaches will be off and on. So almost all day you will be living on Aspirin one way or the other or Tylenol whatever you want to call it. You understand? And one thing, which will be you will be temperamental and jumpy. Aren't the three enough to destroy your day? If these symptoms exist, if?
Students: (-----)
YB: Then you have not got up your day fully balanced. What to do then?
Students: (-----)
(Students laugh)
YB: Take a nap. Take a?
Students: Nap.
YB: Ten minutes, fifteen minutes nap and start allover again. Is that understood?
Students: Yes sir.
YB: Okay, how many of you enjoy taking shower? Good, cold or hot?
Students: Cold.
YB: Now, that's just to please me, I know you all.
(Students laugh)
I know you all cheat but anyway I agree with you. All right, if you take cold shower or hot shower, there are two principles, you must write it down once for all for your sake. If you take cold shower then it has to be in three timings. One time is called getting wet and massaging yourself, it's called hydro massage. Getting wet?
Students: (-----)
YB: Now second is massaging to wear off the tiredness. That has to be longer than the first time and by this time you must not feel very cold but little cold. Third time you have to massage well enough that you should not feel the cold, you understand what I mean? And that is a shower and when you feel very warm and perfect it, after that you must "massage your breast." Otherwise you possibly can be a victim of the breast cancer. Breast other than when you are pregnant or you feed the baby, normally it's just a hanging piece of meat if you do not circulate it enough there can be what they call lumps and they can be malignant. And that's where... in west you get lot of breast cancer, in east nobody gets breast cancer. Why?

Students: (-----)
YB: They nurse their baby moreover the eastern men play with breast a lot. Western don't touch it, they think it's an extra weight. There are different sexual habits. Therefore you have to artificially stimulate your breast so that its circulation of the day must be complete and it takes about three minutes in a cold shower the whole bloodstream will be changed in the breast and capillaries will be open, you must understand one capillary clogged up in the breast is a guarantee to have a breast cancer. That's all it takes. Is that understood?

Students: Yes sir.
YB: Okay? I mean... you know yeah.
Student: (----)
YB: (?) is better the baby will like you. Cold shower is not something, which you can play about. Cold shower is the only one way to open up your capillaries under the force of your own body system. What cold shower is? When you take a cold shower blood rushes outside to meet the temperature, therefore every capillary has to come out with a full circulation to make the body to protect itself from the onslaught of the cold. That's the joy of the cold. But you sometime you know what you do? You take a hot shower first and cold shower later. Doesn't work that way. You can take cold shower first, finish with it and then take hot shower. That doesn't matter.

(Students laugh)
I know you know very well, I know what you do!
(Students laugh)
You take cold shower; first you take hot shower or lukewarm shower and get okay. No, the idea is to get the first hit. Don't miss the wet process, don't miss the?

Students: Wet process.
YB: Wet process.
Student: (----)
YB: I know, go to New York!
(Students laugh)
Water is very cold in... there are places where water is very cold. Los Angeles, New York and...

Students: (-----)
YB: Here it is dead cold. It's very good, it's very good. So what I mean is here in all the weeks you stay and if you take good cold shower and compensate for what you have not taken during the year, that may work out. Yeah.

Student: (----)
YB: Yeah, I'll not do that.
(Students laugh)
Student: (----)
YB: To produce healthy stimulant babies, now this is something I have never told you, please write it down. When you are pregnant, first hundred twenty days try to massage your belly under cold water to the point it becomes very, very warm. That way you make extra blood supply to that area and that will give babies with grit, they will develop themself very good, their features and the faculties will be very strong. Is that understood? It is called extra nurturing. Mother has a great responsibility and after hundred twenty days when the baby becomes a real one and it starts moving, it starts doing the postures inside, it starts moving. What month you can fairly feel the baby is moving?
Students: (-----)
YB: Hundred twenty days is that way? Right? Divided by thirty. Four months, right? All right, fourth month to seventh month if you give a baby a cold shower with a very good massage, but not more than three minutes you will have a very disease free with extra faculty and category, a stronger child which otherwise normally you would have got it. After that from seven months to delivery you have no facility like this available, you have to stay normal. You can't do it. Because then shrinking of the cavity is not very desirable. So you have to stop.
Student: (----)
YB: No, no, taking cold shower right on the belly and massaging it up to seven months, after that no. Because when you take cold shower the area shrinks, then there is no need to muscle shrink we have to allow it to go so that the delivery maybe convenient, otherwise you will end up with a caesarean.

Student: (----)
YB: Luke warm shower or what is called the moderate temperature, neither warm nor hot nor very cold what you call it body temperature. All right, what is the best thing you can do that your face can be very charmingly healthy?

Students: (-----)
YB: With all that try my way. Take a temperature, lukewarm temperature and start putting the shower on the face and massaging it with your both hands and after every minute start make hot go away and start getting it colder and colder till you can warm up your face to the point when you started feeling no cold.

Student: (----)
YB: Yeah, the whole thing. This structure, it's called hydrotherapy, self-cleansing way it's called beautification. You put the shower, first very lukewarm and you start massaging and then you start reducing the hot, it will be totally gone to the point of cold and then you will keep it to the point when you feel perfect. All right, number two, the tiredness. Open your mouth, let the cold shower fall in. But don't let the water go in. Minute or two. Takes away your tiredness like this, gone. No way Jose! Understand?

Student: (----)
YB: Under the lower jaw and under the tongue area. It's the most sensitive area. You see? Between the tongue, where you put the thermometer.
Students: (-----)
YB: That area. Put water for a minute and two cold there, see what it does to you. It will help you to avoid grinding teeth at night, it will also give you this jaw problem, which you normally develop by imbalance and it will save you from twisting your face. You see most of you, I mean not in 3HO whether you are or not, normally you will see people their one eyebrow goes up, the other goes down. Their this cheek goes up, this cheek goes... people get tilted like old houses. Things don't remain normal. And they wrinkle very fast than (?) by this you won't wrinkle. Cold shower massage on the face permanently avoids wrinkle and it gives your face a big shine. And water temperature under this will give you lot of faculty and strength. I am not asking you to do it; I am just telling you what you have to do. If you don't do it's fine. You came this week? Good, good, good. What else? There is something else a woman is... yeah yes?
Student: (----)
YB: In your ovulation you normally know you are ovulating and in your ovulation period it is one or two days if you take a hot bathtub, hot bathtub, your menstruation will have many less cramps. Ovulate in a hot tub and what is a tub water? What is the procedure of a hot tub shower?

Students: (-----)
YB: Yep, sit in the navel point and let you sweat and when you sweat enough after that take a cold shower get out. But don't pass out. During the ovulation period if you take everyday a hot tub bath you will have very minimum problem with menstruation. Actually the ladies who have this menstruation problem and cramps they hate it, right? No, actually it is good. They don't get up in the morning with adjustment so body adjusts itself. Okay what is the one thing you have to do, which you never do. You don't fly. A female has to fly for five minutes everyday. Why? Man parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system is joined in the armpit. It's automatically regulated. You have to adjust it. So you must move your armpit in a wing position they call it. Wing! And you do it tomorrow and tell me afternoon if I am wrong. I mean it's a matter of just not a question of relaxing about it. What is this position of yours? Here is sixty degree, sixty degree to balance of the Earth. To?

Students: (-----)
YB: It's parasympathetic. From balance of Earth to sixty degree is sympathetic nerve system. Understood? You run your day not with the muscle and the nervous system, you have two supporting system, parasympathetic and?

Students: (-----)
YB: They have also to be put into activity. Now, you never do that, right? Then you will act whole day like a man. You know what men are? Short-tempered, impulsive, macho, showoffs, oh this is the faculty of a man. Man is shallow, showoff, impulsive, these are his nature, this is his nature. You are totally different in nature. Four days you menstruate, you almost act as a man and any day your nervous system is not in balance you will start acting as a man. You won't like it yourself. The sophistication of tolerance, patience, sweetness, all that, which can give you total control over the world you belong to will not be available. You have to have three nervous system under your control. Where God gave you something more than a male He also gave you a faculty to do. Is that clearly understood? And one thing ladies more, do not urinate straight. Do not?

Students: (-----)
YB: You stop minimum five to eight times, muscle gets loose, you shall be a miserable woman by your own right. So even if there is a time now use it. Do no urinate?
:你停止最少五到八次,肌肉鬆弛,你自己就是一個悲慘的女人。所以,即使現在有時間使用它。小便嗎?(SUKH ATMA KAUR:雖然YB這麼說但建議平常練習收會陰,不要在小便中練習收!)
Students: Straight.
YB: Straight. Stop it, will you remember it?
Students: Yes sir.
YB: Do you practice it? No.
(Students laugh)
I don't believe you. I'll only believe when you will be forty-five, fifty-five something and you don't have a bladder infection or a bladder, bladder muscles are got to be built in throughout the life. The problem with you is you get bladder infection, men become impotent. This pre-ejaculation is only with those men prominently who just urinate straight. Their muscles have no retention strength and they just, they are just on and off. The power to control is to build those muscles. Also whether you are alive or dead, try to root lock just to practice. Root lock let it go, root lock let it go, because these lower muscles in the anus, in the sexual area, in the navel point has to be developed and exercised everyday. Is that understood?

Students: Yes sir.
YB: All exercises you can do but if these three areas are not muscled up, you will have the following the symptoms, write it down. Your day will be foggy, you will feel itchy, and you will feel indecisive. Is that all right? Do you want all that?

(Students laugh)學生笑

I mean you want this information or not?
Students: Yes sir.
YB: Are you going to practice it, that is up to you. It's not my option. My job is to let you know what a woman is. Sandalwood oil. Sandalwood oil, you know sandalwood oil? Sandalwood oil, your temples, this temple area, this jaw area, back of the ear, and these muscles. You call it about two inches all the way around the ear both ways make a circle and how to massage a sandalwood. Put it on your hand and just like that rub the ear back and forth. It has all the acupuncture point of the whole body and you will come out like you have done all the work you wanted to do. Understood? Yeah.

Student: (----)
YB: Na, (?) first of all it is two hundred dollar a pound and secondly it is very strong. You don't need that kind of strong sandal, sandalwood with almond oil works equally good. Okay, number thing, you know this knuckles, this knuckle and this, they fit in, in the earlobe it's called knuckle massage. It is essential for the woman and if you do the knuckle massage and stimulate that area whatever the man will tell you, what he means you will hear, not what he is saying.

(Students laugh)
It will give you what they call it screening power. If you stimulate this area, if you?

Students: Stimulate this area.
YB: Like that just... sometime you will be surprised when you do this, some area, which will hurt it will look like you have put a needle there. But after two-three hours it will automatically go away it means that point is all taken care of. So you will have different area where needle hurt will be there, but that's all right, but once you finish with it, it will give you another faculty. It will give you a faculty of sensitivity to bifurcate what he is saying, what he means.

Student: (----)
YB: Lobe nei, lobe is one part. This area, this all this, kidneys and this adrenals and the liver and this is only head. It's a whole baby in the womb. The ear is totally a baby in the womb; you see the acupuncture chart you will be surprised, your whole body is there. All right, of all three minutes of balancing the Ida and Pingala at the source. Anytime when you feel very confused and sometime there is a feeling called 'I want to get out of the skin.' You know that feeling? Go in a restroom do this in a minute you will be out of it. You know the problem is God made you very sophisticated and so your tune up, general tune up is also very large time taking. That's why women were never sent to work, they were supposed to give best children so the country can have a strong manpower, they were given to give a best home so the life can be cozy and comfortable. They were given the best temperament the life can be pleasant and worthy to live, which according to the modern society and environments we have lost. We have lost a lot.
Lobe nei,耳垂是其中的一部分。這個區域,這一切,腎臟和這個腎上腺和肝臟,這只是頭。這是子宮裡的一個完整的嬰兒。耳朵完全是子宮裡的嬰兒;你看到針灸圖表會讓你感到驚訝,你的整個身體都在那裡。好吧,在起源上平衡IdaPingala的三分鐘。任何時候當你感到非常困惑時,有時會有一種叫做“我想要脫離皮膚”的感覺。你知道那種感覺嗎?進入洗手間這樣做(按摩耳朵)一分鐘,你會好起來。你知道問題是上帝讓你非常老練,所以你的調整,一般調整也是非常大的時間。這就是為什麼女性從未被送去工作的原因,她們應該給出最好的孩子,因此這個國家可以擁有強大的人力,他們被賦予了最好的家園,所以生活可以舒適和舒適。他們被賦予了最好的氣質,生活可以愉快和值得生活,這是根據我們失去的現代社會和環境。我們失去了很多。

We have lost a woman who could give us tranquility. Woman, which cannot give tranquility to the atmosphere of the male does not exist for any purposes except association. Moonlight is very tranquil, isn't it? Sun is not. So you cannot learn from me, learn it from the heavens. Doesn't matter. Tranquility is a must. But the economic pressure, the social pressure, cultural pressure what we want to be to just survive and exist we have lost that tranquil woman. And what is replacing it? Tomboys! This is the trend of the society. It's not the fault of the woman, the pressure is so heavy everything is needed from the woman to the point now that she has to take all the responsibilities, plus the babies, plus the household, plus a full job, plus the driving, and plus she is supposed at the middle of the night bring ice cream if he wants it. You know what I am saying?
